How Does Dr. Weinfeld in Austin, TX, Handle Terminology and Overall Language for Gender-Affirming Patients?
Gender is a complex concept and phenomenon that lies at the intersection of biology and societal structural constructs. The rules surrounding the implied and understood meaning of terminology and words used to describe gender are equally complex. Language is important. Dr. Weinfeld and his team intend to use it in a respectful and descriptive manner to build bridges across artificial divides to strengthen connections with his patients and the trans community. To avoid confusion, we will use the terms trans women/female, trans men/male, cis women/female, and cis men/male when referring to people. When referring to features, the words feminine, female, masculine, and male will be used. Dr. Weinfeld and his team are always open to being educated as to what each patient and the community at large prefers as it comes to gender terminology. Please speak up if we need to make a change. Our team aspires to create a safe and welcoming environment.
What Is Transgender or Gender-Affirming Surgery?
Transgender surgery, also known as gender-affirming surgery, for trans people is a group of procedures to make one’s existing physical characteristics resemble those with one’s identified gender. In short, these procedures make the physical “outside” match the true emotional and psychological “inside.” These procedures realign the physical body to reflect a true inner identity that trans men, trans women, and non-binary people have been living and experiencing.
Why Choose Dr. Weinfeld in Austin, TX, for Gender-Affirming Surgery?
Dr. Weinfeld and his care team have embraced the increased desire and need for transgender/gender-affirming surgical procedures in the community. Performing these procedures is a natural extension of the drives, interests, and skill sets that originally attracted Dr. Weinfeld to a career in plastic surgery. Dr. Weinfeld appreciates the power that plastic surgery has to make people look and feel like themselves, like the selves they hold as their core identity. While plastic surgery cannot create happiness by itself, it can remove many barriers to self-acceptance and societal acceptance. In doing so, plastic surgery can bring about joy. Gender-affirming surgery is no exception; it is one of the best examples of this phenomenon.
Gender-affirming surgery requires technical skill, artistry, and empathy. Dr. Weinfeld has significant experience with both reconstructive and cosmetic breast and chest surgery, including Top Surgery. Thus, he is well-equipped to perform both MTF (male to female) and FTM (female to male) Top Surgery. Additionally, Dr. Weinfeld’s training and experience in facial reconstructive and cosmetic surgery exceed the standard. Following his residency training, he dedicated an extra year of training in the form of two six-month direct one-on-one fellowships with several world leaders in plastic surgery education. During this intense learning opportunity, he honed his skills in addressing the upper third of the face, focusing on eyelid rejuvenation, brow lift surgery, hairline advancement, and forehead bone contouring. He also developed skills in central and lower facial rejuvenation and transformative surgery, including facelifts, neck lifts, facial fat grafting, lip lifts, jaw contouring, genioplasty, facial implants, and rhinoplasty.
Dr. Weinfeld has drawn considerable attention in the trans community for his rhinoplasty (nose job) work, including primary rhinoplasty (first time) and revision rhinoplasty (fixing or improving upon prior rhinoplasty done elsewhere). Dr. Weinfeld is a long-time member, active leader, and award recipient in the Rhinoplasty Society. Membership in this exclusive and renowned professional society enhances the skills and attention to detail Dr. Weinfeld uses to deliver an exceptionally high level of care. He is known in the trans community for delivering great results. This is why many patients travel from out of town and out of state to benefit from his nasal surgery experience and expertise.
Get In Touch
Patients respond to Dr. Weinfeld's expertise and caring patient focused approach. If you have any questions about a procedure or are ready to schedule a consultation, please call or fill out the form below.
Phone: 512-559-1376
Office & Surgery Center
Phone: 512-559-1376
This facility is only for cosmetic and non-insurance based procedures. If you seek insurance based treatments or reconstructive procedures, please search for Dr. Weinfeld in his other facility.
*Please verify the location of your appointment.
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