Facelift 02
Facelift 02
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Improvement Focus: Excess upper eyelid skin, lower eyelid bags, cheek decent with jowls, obtuse angle between face and neck with loose skin.
Technique: Cervicofacial Rhytidectomy (Face Lift, Neck Lift), Sub SMAS Dissection and Flap, Platysmaplasty, Upper and Lower Lid Blepharoplasty
Patient Story:
This patient is a woman in her late fifties who is the wife of a senior hospital administrator in Austin, Texas. She was interested in comprehensive cosmetic facial rejuvenation. Following her consultation with Plastic Surgeon Dr. Weinfeld, she felt the best approach for her was two-stage process. First she underwent an upper and lower blepharoplasty. The lower blepharoplasty was performed with a subciliary approach permitting septal reset and blending of lid cheek junction. This advanced approach provides more than just lower lid smoothing. It permits elevation of the upper cheek, softening of the nasojugal crease, and a decreased vertical dimension of the lower eyelid – all features associated with youth and attractiveness. Following three months she underwent and facelift and necklift. In the majority of patients, but especially in patients with full faces and necks, Dr. Weinfeld choices to use direct sculpting of the lower face and neck fat instead of using liposuction which can be less precise. The powerful effect of direct sculpting can be seen in her post-operative photos.
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Patients respond to Dr. Weinfeld's expertise and caring patient focused approach. If you have any questions about a procedure or are ready to schedule a consultation, please call or fill out the form below.
Phone: 512-559-1376
Office & Surgery Center
Phone: 512-559-1376
This facility is only for cosmetic and non-insurance based procedures. If you seek insurance based treatments or reconstructive procedures, please search for Dr. Weinfeld in his other facility.
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