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Austin, Texas


Happiness and Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery

January 31, 2016 | Facelift, Rhinoplasty, Uncategorized

I wanted to be a Plastic Surgeon at a very young age, 12 years old. At the young age, I was enthralled with the opportunity plastic surgeons had to help improve the lives of their patients by enhancing their appearance.  Thus Plastic Surgery, and Cosmetic Surgery in particular, holds special meaning for me.  It is a medical discipline that is focused as much on the how people feel as the way they look.  I see the goal of Cosmetic Surgery as not just to modify the outside of one’s nose, face, or body but to generate happiness.  That is a bold statement, but I believe it is true.  Why else would people part with their hard-earned money, embark on an endeavor infused with inherent uncertainty, and take time out of their busy lives for the necessary recovery.  Happiness is what patients seek.  I have learned this, I respect this, and it is what guides my every action, every thought, and every decision when I take care of my patients.  It is important to note that I don’t believe that Cosmetic Surgery alone can create happiness.  In order to benefit from the changes Cosmetic Surgery can provide, a patient has to have the capacity to be happy, to be content.  Fortunately almost all patients do have that capability.  One of my biggest responsibilities as a Plastic Surgeon, as a doctor, is to hear and understand a patient’s goals, aspiration, and motivations and match those with an explanation of anticipated result outcomes, patient experience, and anticipated positive emotional impact.  When during a consultation, I am able to “look inside” a patients head to “see” what they are expecting and let a patient “peak inside” my head to “see” what I believe I can deliver; happiness is ultimately the result.  I call it the “Cosmetic Surgery Consultation Mind Meld.”  Understanding one another creates beneficial expectations and perceptions – and that is everything.  Hope to see you soon.

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Patients respond to Dr. Weinfeld's expertise and caring patient focused approach. If you have any questions about a procedure or are ready to schedule a consultation, please call or fill out the form below.


This facility is only for cosmetic and non-insurance based procedures. If you seek insurance based treatments or reconstructive procedures, please search for Dr. Weinfeld in his other facility.

Phone: 512-559-1376

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