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Top 11 Things to Know About Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery)

July 01, 2022 | Rhinoplasty

5 Minute Read:

One of the first procedures that comes to mind for many people when they think of plastic surgery is rhinoplasty (also known as corrective nose surgery or a “nose job”). This is due in large part to the potential transformative and beneficial results of this procedure. 

In fact, rhinoplasty is one of the most trusted and popular cosmetic procedures available today, and many of our favorite celebrities have had rhinoplasty procedures performed to help them look as stunning as they are! 

A female patient smiling while a plastic surgeon examines her nose

However, as with all plastic surgery procedures, many people have misconceptions about what rhinoplasty is and how it can help. 

Because of this, here are 11 things you should know about this procedure.

1. Rhinoplasty Is Performed to Enhance Aesthetics

At its core, rhinoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure performed to enhance aesthetics and improve the cosmetic structure of the nose (whether from genetics or an injury). 

This means that rhinoplasty cannot be used to correct structural issues like a deviated septum. However, a nose surgery variation called septoplasty can be performed to improve the septum, nasal valve, etc., to help correct any breathing issues that you may experience. This can be done at the same time as a rhinoplasty.

2. It Works Well With Other Facial Procedures

If you choose to have a standalone rhinoplasty surgery, then you can expect to have stunning and transformative results. However, by combining your rhinoplasty with other facial procedures, you can experience a complete revitalization to your facial aesthetic. 

Some of the procedures that patients often combine with their rhinoplasty include: 

3. Rhinoplasty Brings Harmony to the Entire Face

The nose is the central point of your face, so improving its appearance can bring balance and improvement to the entire face. 

Whether your nose is too small, too big, crooked, or has some irregularity you want corrected, rhinoplasty can help you feel confident and comfortable with your face. 

4. You Can Have Your Nose Reduced in Size or Enhanced

Many people incorrectly think that rhinoplasty is a procedure that only reduces the size of an overly large or pronounced nose. However, rhinoplasty can also be performed to increase the size of small noses, allowing your entire face to look more balanced. This is especially helpful for men with small noses, as this can detract from their manly appearance. 

5. Rhinoplasty Can Help After Facial Trauma

While some patients undergo rhinoplasty to correct aesthetic issues that have been present since birth, other men and women have rhinoplasty to correct issues caused by facial trauma. 

Often, broken noses heal crooked. There’s not much you can do to prevent that. 

Whether your injury was the result of sports, an accident, or any other event, you can rest assured that your nose can be returned to its former appearance. 

Before and after results showing rhinoplasty performed in Austin, TX.

6. Revision Rhinoplasty Is an Option

Some people have the false impression that plastic surgery procedures are permanent, and while your nose surgery can be permanent (barring the normal effects of aging as well as the chance of a traumatic event to the nose), the truth is that your rhinoplasty results can be adjusted. 

Whether you had your original rhinoplasty performed by a plastic surgeon who didn’t take the time and care necessary, you healed poorly, or you are upset with the way your nose looks after that procedure, revision rhinoplasty can help you achieve the nasal appearance you desire. 

7. Not All Rhinoplasty Procedures Are the Same

One of the best aspects of rhinoplasty is that it is customizable to meet your individual needs and desires. 

Whether you want to decrease or increase the size of your nose, or you want to get rid of the drooping nasal tip or smooth out an unwanted nasal hump, Dr. Weinfeld can give you the appearance you’re after with rhinoplasty.

8. Your Rhinoplasty Is Tailored to You

Another fantastic aspect of rhinoplasty is that there is a technique to help each and every patient, no matter his or her aesthetic concern or ethnicity. 

This is important because different ethnicities have different facial (including nasal) features, and it is important that your rhinoplasty maintains the ethnicity you are so proud to have. 

9. Noses Aren’t a One-Size-Fits-All

Just look around at different people: everyone’s noses are completely different from each other. The nasal appearance that works for one person just wouldn’t look right on another person. 

That’s why it is important to have your rhinoplasty performed by a plastic surgeon who understands that rhinoplasty is about choosing the right nasal aesthetic for you. 

10. Rhinoplasty Is a Complicated Procedure

Different aspects like cartilage and scar tissue, along with the size of the internal structures and the need to sculpt the nose in a way that is unique for each patient, make rhinoplasty one of the most complicated cosmetic procedures available. 

Because of this, it is so important that you choose a board-certified plastic surgeon who is knowledgeable and skilled along with one you can trust. Dr. Wenfield is that surgeon.  

11. Your Consultation Is Important

As with every plastic surgery procedure, your consultation is essential to the success of your rhinoplasty. During your rhinoplasty consultation, you will be able to discuss your aesthetic concerns and desires as well as ask any questions you may have about the procedure or rhinoplasty recovery process.

Interested in Learning More About Rhinoplasty in Austin?

If you would like to improve the appearance of your nose, then rhinoplasty is the cosmetic surgery for you.

With the correct techniques and skill that Dr. Weinfeld offers, you will be able to have natural-looking, long-lasting results.  

In addition to having advanced training in facial cosmetic surgery, Dr. Weinfeld has many years of experience making patients happy with natural cosmetic results. Contact his practice at 512-334-9917 for more information about how rhinoplasty can help you.

The information presented here is intended for education. Some patients’ experiences are different. Results are variable and often determined by a patient’s specific anatomy. In Dr. Weinfeld’s experience, the overwhelming majority of patients are extremely happy with their outcomes and would recommend the procedure to a friend or family. 

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Patients respond to Dr. Weinfeld's expertise and caring patient focused approach. If you have any questions about a procedure or are ready to schedule a consultation, please call or fill out the form below.


Phone: 512-559-1376

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Phone: 512-559-1376

This facility is only for cosmetic and non-insurance based procedures. If you seek insurance based treatments or reconstructive procedures, please search for Dr. Weinfeld in his other facility.

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